Property Selling Tips
Consider carefully which Agent is the best for your situation. High profile Real Estate Agents with a big turnover of properties and lots of listings will certainly be high income earners for their companies, but will they really have the time to dedicate to your particular sale to get the best result for you.
Agents who discount their commissions may seem like a great option at face value, but you need to consider whether they are capable of getting you the best price. If they are willing to discount their price, are they really capable of negotiating the best price for you and will the provide the service and marketing required.
Many of the Large Franchise Real Estate Agent Groups will offer you all the “bells and whistles”, but are these extras really going to benefit your sale and the price you get. Franchises generally have higher overheads and pay out around 10% of the commissions to their head offices, which needs to be recouped from their clients.
Above all, beware of any Agents who promise a price which is higher than the property is realistically worth. It’s important the pricing is set in a realistic range at the start of the campaign to attract the maximum buyer interest and generate the maximum competition among buyers for your property.
Ensure you feel comfortable and have a good immediate rapport with the Agent you choose. Make sure you know exactly what you will be getting from them at each stage of the sales process, and ensure they know exactly what your expectations are.
Presentation of your property is really important to achieve the best possible price. If your property is rented out, you might like to provide a cleaner for your tenants to ensure the property is presented at its best. Ensure your property manager is working cooperatively with the tenants and the sales agent during the sale process. This is important to ensure the property looks at its best and it can be shown at times which are suitable to most buyers.
If you are an owner occupier, ensure you have decluttered the property, and for apartments consider a coat of paint and recarpeting which generally have a big impact for not a huge cost. In some cases, for higher end properties, it may we worth considering a stylist and hiring furniture. This will be an added expense, but for some properties and in certain markets can be very worthwhile.
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